On August 25, 2016, the National Park Service turns 100! People everywhere have embraced the opportunities to explore, learn, be inspired and have fun in the 407 national parks across...Read More
The Petex-Batún is the most inaccessible and rarely-visited region of Guatemala. Today it is lightly populated, and yet more than 1,500 years ago Maya rulers jockeyed for supremacy as...Read More
The Lost and Found City of Petra Literally carved directly into vibrant red, white, pink, and sandstone cliff faces, the prehistoric Jordanian city of Petra was “lost” to...Read More
The Ychsma people ruled a large area of Peru, until the Inca conquered it just 63 years before the Spanish Conquistadors came and pillaged Peru in 1470. Now four...Read More
The Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a charming land that has preserved a remarkable character unlike any other in the Near East. Ruled by King Abdullah, the...Read More
Did you know that the summer solstice sun never sets at the Arctic Circle, and above that latitude the summer sun continues to shine at midnight for days...Read More
Deep in the remote southern area along the border with Guatemala, recent excavations have exposed remains of pyramids and cities that until recently, were nearly impossible to reach. Hieroglyphic...Read More
The Parsis, devotees of the Zoroastrian religion, came to India from Iran around 1,000 years ago. They are followers of one of the oldest religions in the world,...Read More
Five hundred years ago the first contact between the great civilizations of Mesoamerica and Europe was just beginning. But it did not begin with Cortes’ landing in Mexico in...Read More