

Anakena Easter Island Far Horizons tour
By Steven Roger Fischer, former Study Leader A 25-year-old Finnish tourist caused excitement on Easter Island in March of this year when he broke off part of the ear of a possibly 600-year-old statue at the holy site of ‘Anakena on the island’s northeast coast. The act was witnessed by an angry Rapanui, one of...
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Bellapais Abbey Cyprus tour archaeology tour
By Sara Barbieri Whirling through the landscape of Cyprus, in the footsteps of St. Helena (mother of Constantine the Great), Hala Sultan (believed to be the wet-nurse to Mohammed), Berengaria (first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre who, incidentally, married Richard the Lion Hearted), not to mention the damp footprints of Aphrodite (birthed from...
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By Heather Stoeckley In March of 2008, I was fortunate enough to accompany our second group trip to Libya, a country that is home to many awe-inspiring archaeological sites: Leptis Magna, Cyrene, Sabratha and Ptolemais. All stand as testimony to the past glory and architectural beauty of the Greek and Roman empires. Few experiences in...
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