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Far Horizons tower of London tour

Unlocking Past Traditions in London

“Hault, who comes there?” “The keys!” “Whose keys?” “Queen Elizabeth’s keys!”  Thus was the exchange between the sentry and the Chief Warder, in the dark of night, as...
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Do you know why castles were constructed with moats?

These bodies of water surrounding fortresses reduced the risk of tunneling. One of the most serious forms of attack was to undermine part of a castle. The ‘miners’...
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Medina Azahara Spain tour Moors Morocco

What do you know about the Moors, the Islamic Conquerors of Spain?

Did you know that the Moors, who ruled Spain for 700 years, introduced new scientific techniques to Europe, such as an astrolabe, a device for measuring the position...
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Archaeoastronomy is the study and interpretation of solar, lunar and stellar alignments found at ancient monuments such as pyramids, towers, ground lines such as the Nazca Lines in...
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The Romans had wooden toilet seats?

Sited along Hadrian’s Wall, the massive defensive fortifications that delineated the northern border of the Roman Britain, Vindolanda was one of the garrisons built to house soldiers. Excavations...
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What is the national capital with the shortest history?

The national capital with the shortest history is Naypyidaw, Myanmar. In 2005 the Burmese military leader Than Shwe ordered the capital moved from the 11th-century city of Yangon...
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Was Tutankhamen crippled due to inbreeding?

Using computerized tomography (CT) scans of his mummified body, scientists have conducted a “virtual autopsy” of Tutankhamen, the boy king who ruled Egypt some 3,300 years ago. The...
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Calakmul has been enlarged as a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

A re-nomination and extension of the existing almost 7500 acres cultural World Heritage Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, UNESCO has recently enlarged it to 1.78 million acres designated as mixed...
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Was Cleopatra beautiful?

There are no paintings or statues that can be definitively credited to this queen, and yet she was described by historians as being physically alluring. Coins with her...
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